Saturday 14 May 2011

Awesome Thing #4- Swimming on a Hot Day

MAN! Its so hot, I am drenched with sweat! Maybe a swim in the pool will cool me off. You jump in the

 sparkling water and its so refreshing, you don't want to get out.


Saturday 23 April 2011

Awesome thing #3- Brushing Your Teeth in the morning

Just wake up and ICK, your breathe STINKS! You drag yourself into the bathroom and grab your toothbrush, the toothpaste, smear it onto the toothbrush and brush your dirty and smelly teeth. Now your breathe is minty fresh and no one is holding their nose as you speak to them!


Thursday 21 April 2011

Daily Joke

"Hey Bruno the dawg, whats wrong?" "Well you know how dogs can't get away with anything because they look guilty afterwards?" "Uuuuh...... yeah!"  "Well I am just gonna look guilty forever so I can get away with things."
"Have fun with that." "Yeah I will."

Awesome Thing #1 - Clothes just out of the dryer in winter!

You just get in from a cold day of winter, and man your C-O-L-D, COLD! You rush downstairs and grab a

pair of comfy clothes just out of the dryer and tug them on. It doesn't last long, yes, but while the toasty warmness of the clothes last its like pure heaven!

         Now THAT is AWESOME!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

A Joke

"What did the cow say to the bucket?" "What?" "....... STOP BEING A BUCKET!"